


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

Storage for parabolic CSP plants, two tanks vs. one tank configuration. Innovations expected in OPTS project

In this lesson it is described the mechanism for heat storage in a CSP plant , with particular attention to the innovative idea proposed by OPTS project: the use of a a new Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system based on single tank configuration using stratifying Molten Salts (MS, Sodium/Potassium Nitrates 60/40 w/w) as heat storage medium at 550°C maximum temperature, integrated with a Steam Generator (SG). , focusing on the advantages and drawbacks of the new proposal.

Tizzoni Anna Chiara

Conoscenze richieste:
In this lesson it is described the mechanism for heat storage in a CSP plant , with particular attention to the innovative idea proposed by OPTS project: the use of a a new Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system based on single tank configuration using stratifying Molten Salts (MS, Sodium/Potassium Nitrates 60/40 w/w) as heat storage medium at 550°C maximum temperature, integrated with a Steam Generator (SG). , focusing on the advantages and drawbacks of the new proposal.
