
15 ore


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

Small Hydro Power

Transfer knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the SHP plants in order to provide the designers of the right tools for a correct design and realization. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited.

Paolo Morgante

Obiettivo formativo:
- general rules for plants location
- constructive element of the hydroelectric plants
- hydroelectric potential evaluation
- energy production evaluation
- designing of hydroelectric plants
- technical standards
- advantages and disadvantages
- Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency
- Integration with watering system and agricultural irrigation
- Environmental Impact
- Applications & Best Practices

The course is composed by 5 modules for a total of 40 lessons.

Conoscenze richieste:
Transfer knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the SHP plants in order to provide the designers of the right tools for a correct design and realization. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited.

A chi è rivolto:
decision maker, designers and technicians interested in the deployment of the Minihydro power energy source

Tempi occorrenti:
about 15 hours
