
20 ore


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

ISO 14020 Environmental Labelling

The course provide an understanding on a set of voluntary tools aimed at stimulating the demand for products and services with lower environmental burdens. These environmental labels provide relevant information on product life cycle and are useful tools for addressing purchaser’s demands on environmental information.

Francesca Cappellaro

Obiettivo formativo:
The main subjects relating the Environmental Labels are the following: - ISO 14020 Series
- Type I: certified eco-labels,
- Type II: product self-declarations,
- Type III: Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

The course is composed of 5 modules, 19 lessons and 40 units

Conoscenze richieste:
The course provide an understanding on a set of voluntary tools aimed at stimulating the demand for products and services with lower environmental burdens. These environmental labels provide relevant information on product life cycle and are useful tools for addressing purchaser’s demands on environmental information.

A chi è rivolto:
This course is recommended for product designers, purchasers and environmental strategists - who want to have an introduction to certified eco-labels and eco-labelling framework. The course also provides some suggestions for how to choose amongst different types of eco-labels and for how to take advantage by these environmental tools.

Tempi occorrenti:
About 20 hours
